Child Support Cases in Morristown
Representation for Your Case
When a family has separated and minor children are involved, it is important that the parent with physical custody works to obtain child support from the non-custodial parent. Attorney Troy L. Bowlin, II, can provide clients with the highest level of representation to ensure that their child support needs are met. Whether you are in the divorce process looking to establish a support amount or you need modifications to your existing divorce decree, it is imperative that you work with a Morristown family law attorney from our firm as soon as possible.
Depending on the type of divorce that you are going through, your child support issues may be handled in several ways. In a collaborative divorce, your marriage counselor may provide input to help determine the total amount of child support that will be owed to the custodial parent. In an uncontested divorce, your attorney will work with you to help you determine support, whereas in a contested divorce, you may need to go before a Morristown family law judge to determine the support that you will receive.
Obtaining Back Child Support
Are you owed child support? Unpaid payments can cause a great deal of concern for custodial parents. It is a crime in the state of Tennessee to not pay your child support, and even out-of-state parents are required to pay all support when it is due. In order to enforce unpaid child support, it is recommended that you work with an attorney who can assist you in filing all necessary state and federal paperwork to collect past-due and regular child support payments.
Once the spouse is located, any of the following collection methods may be taken to ensure that delinquent payments are received:
- Reporting their back payments to a credit reporting agency
- Denial of federal tax refunds
- Passport application denial
- Driver's license revocation
- Automatic withholding of wages
- Liens on property
If you are facing a child support complication or you need assistance in obtaining unpaid support, it is important that you contact Troy L. Bowlin, II right away and schedule a free case evaluation with the Morristown divorce lawyer as soon as possible. With the guidance of our dedicated staff, you may be able to receive a favorable outcome for your case, whether you are in Knox County, Hamblen County, Knoxville or Morristown.
Client Testimonials
We work within our clients time frames, guidelines & unique budgets
A few years ago I was addicted to drugs. My addiction led me to steal and eventually I caught a few criminal charges. Troy Bowlin took my case. I spent time in jail for a little while as my bond was revoked. Troy immediately started working on getting me released and helping me through the release process. Troy was finally able to get me released to a 45-day rehab facility versus spending more time in jail. The rehab was a wonderful experience on my road to sobriety. Once I left rehab, the court appearances began. Troy was always present and on time. He would even be there early to discuss with me what would probably happen before court began. This was very comforting because when you are facing felony charges, court is very nerve-wracking. Troy was able to get me two years unsupervised probation. Based on the charges I had incurred this was short of a miracle. The two years gave me time to evaluate my life and become clean and sober. After the two years, Troy filed for judicial diversion. Once this was done, I have absolutely no charges on my record today. From where I started to where I ended up is all because of Troy's hard work. I find myself very lucky to have been blessed with this kind of caliber of lawyer. If it wasn't for Troy I would not be starting Nursing School in the fall. My future is bright now and my path is clear. If it was not for Troy I would not be as successful as I am now.- Former Client
I will never forget the time Mr. Bowlin came to visit me in jail on a Sunday. It was Fathers day and he was the first one to wish me Happy Fathers Day. Mr. Bowlin does not know how much that meant.- Former Client
He takes the time to meet with you whenever it is convenient for you. He works on the weekends and will accommodate you in any way he can.- Former Client
I have never trusted lawyers, but I trust him.- Former Client